Some of the pieces contained within I Love Life: illesims and about a girl
are like slam poetry, demanding to be read aloud in coffee shops in
heavy tones. Others are soft notes of love for tender moments between
lovers. Every poem keeps so perfectly within itself and it's own
context, never bleeding off or confusing the point.
The ebb and flow of the prose keeps the beat easily, without effort from the audience to pick apart or figure out how to read them. The writing does the work for the reader in the comprehension aspect, while leaving very deep concepts for the audience to take with them. Therefore, there are no distractions in this book, because the author writes so fluidly and so well.
The only over arching theme in this tome is that of life itself. These poems are a tribute to all aspects, even heartbreak. The author finds beauty in every crack and finds purpose in every statement. A few of the poems are more political or bring big questions into play for the reader to ponder. "Tomorrow" and "21st Century" are both examples of hard hitting and truthful sentiments. Intelligent and thought provoking, these and other works about society as a whole sit side by side very sparse, simple pieces which aim and succeed at touching the soul, regardless of gender or background. Those more personal poems are specific and yet universal.
Some tell whole stories, while others tell snippets, an all convey an understanding of complex emotions. The poem "Show Me" is a wonderful example of the latter. "Say Ladies", which sits on the same page, is an example of the author's way of showing a complete scene with all the important characters involved, in a small space. Nothing is crammed, and yet everything fits.
This review can also be found on Yahoo Voices.
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