I have tattoos, and I love mine because of what they represent, how they look, and knowing I have this part of me that I have chosen. All of those things are empowering for me, but I understand that tattoos do not always work out so well.
In life, we have many scars. Some are physical and some are emotional, and either one can be covered up with a tattoo. However, if a tattoo becomes less of an art or enhancement, and more of a scar itself, it may need be altered or removed entirely for the sake of the emotional well-being of the owner.
In the case of needing a tattoo removed, it is necessary to be aware of the steps involved, especially healing. It is not an instant fix. Like any other medical procedure, knowing the risks and how safe the environment can be is crucial.
You can learn more about the details of tattoos and their safe removal here, at New Look.
Depending on the reasons for the tattoo removal, one may find an interesting social impact occurs, one way or another. If the tattoo was in an obvious area, the person having a tattoo removed may find more job opportunities where once there was judgement. If he or she is part of a particularly tattooed community or subculture, there may be some changes among friends or family.
Also, depending on where he or she lives, the reasons behind getting the tattoo removed and so on, the impacts and risks can be similar to getting a tattoo in a sanitary environment in the first place. Of course, if the tattoo was done in an unhealthy environment, getting it removed may actually be safer.
If a tattoo used to be a symbol of joy and now reminds the owner of something dark and negative, then it may be psychologically healthy to simply have it removed, just like any other blemish. No longer seeing the reminder may be a relief. In that case, it is also important to take into consideration all the psychological implications, right along with any possible physical, medical, or societal changes. Talking to a doctor, friends, and family about the decision may help.
See and decide for yourself at New Look!